Unity Multiplayer: Create a Multiplayer Game Using the New Input System for Multiplayer Controls

Unity Multiplayer: Create a Multiplayer Game Using the New Input System for Multiplayer Controls Introduction We recently began prototyping our latest game idea with Unity and decided we should implement local multiplayer and quickly realized we had never developed a multiplayer game with the type of controls we envisioned. We began looking for resources about …

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Unity and C# Basics: Variables

Unity and C# Basics Variables Introduction C# is a programming language created by Microsoft and used to develop games, mobile apps, and software for multiple other purposes and runs on the .Net framework. C#, pronounced ‘C sharp’, is the language of preference for developing software with the unity engine. C# is open source and entirely …

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Unity Lifecycle: Update Vs FixedUpdate Vs LateUpdate

Unity Lifecycle: Update Vs FixedUpdate Vs LateUpdate Choosing Where to Update Introduction When creating new C# scripts within Unity you will notice that the script is generated with two default methods, Start and Update. These methods are part of the script lifecycle and are called in a predetermined order. In this post we will discuss …

Unity Lifecycle: Update Vs FixedUpdate Vs LateUpdate Read More »